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Benefits for your company

A rapidly changing world of work presents companies with challenges

Stress Reduction

Empower your employees with active and passive stress reduction strategies.

Employee Retention

Impress your employees with entertaining and innovative state-of-the-art technologies in corporate health management.


Mindfulness training leads to improved communication within teams and strengthens the health of your employees.

Productivity Increase

Your employees optimize their daily work based on neuroscientific findings

Image Gain

Mental fitness and health are essential decision factors for existing and new employees

Employee Development

Efficient support of change processes and transformations

Corporate Health Management

Individual health events for your employees


Your Day

As part of your company health management, you organize a day dedicated to health and want to offer your employees a variety of exciting and sustainable activities that encourage participation and have lasting effects.

Neuro - Racing

“Making brain activity understandable” – The NeuroRacing Showcase can be used to demonstrate EEG technology using a modified Carrera race track. Participants control cars using specific brain activities. This provides a first contact with brain-computer interfaces.

Bio & Brain Report

With the Bio & Brain Report, employees receive an objective analysis of their brain activity and their body's stress reactions. Individual tips and recommendations for action make it easier to implement resolutions in everyday life.

What do we have to offer?


Cooperation With Health Insurance Companies

Through long-term, strong cooperation with various health insurance companies, we can offer you the opportunity to have part of the costs for a company health management measure covered by a health insurance company.


Tax Advantages

Up to 500 euros of expenses for “services to improve general health and company health promotion” per employee and per calendar year are tax and social security exempt. The basis for this is Section 3 No. 34 of the Income Tax Act.

Speaker & Events

Innovative state-of-the-art technology for your event

Your Event

You want to offer your audience a scientifically sound and informative, appealing and exciting lecture. Neurotechnology, the brain itself and how it works are the ideal content here.

Your Benefits

At a brainboost lecture, we give participants in-depth knowledge, which is complemented by recommendations for action that can be implemented directly. Neuroscience and neurotechnologies are explained in an understandable, entertaining and everyday way.

Our Promise

Depending on the event and target group, content such as neurotechnology, brain-computer interfaces, neuroleadership and burnout prevention are designed to be scientific, practical, entertaining and industry-specific.

Leadership Training

Technology-based mental training for your managers


Your Leadership Training

You want a new, innovative approach to offer your managers varied training to help them improve their stress management and train their ability to empathize with their team members.

Your Benefits

Creating awareness of stress management, mental fitness and the assessment of cognitive demands is the key success factor for managers.

Our Promise

During the training, self-awareness and technically supported personal experience are underpinned by neuroscientific expertise. This allows leadership style and project planning, as well as one's own mental training, to be optimally adapted to individual requirements.

Case Studies

We would be happy to put together an offer that is suitable for your company


Exclusive offer Mental Health

  • 5 locations in 7 days

  • BrainReports for 250 employees

  • Carrera track for 400 employees

  • Information material and exercises for all participants


Inclusion in the
Novo-Company Day action day

  • BrainReport for 30 employees

  • lecture with live demonstration

  • Carrera track for 200 participants

  • Information material and exercises for all participants


Involvement in the
City with Brains campaign

  • BrainReports for 100 participants

  • lecture with live demonstration

  • Carrera track for 200 participants

  • Information material and exercises for all participants


Neuro - Scientific workshops for your teams

Your Workshop

As part of your company's health management, you would like to offer a workshop on mental health, fitness and performance. The topics of mindfulness and responsible use of your own resources should be part of this.

Your Benefits

The early detection of hidden stressors and the development of one's own strategies based on the corresponding activity patterns in the brain are essential for productive and healthy employees.

Our Promise

Using various tools, exercises and techniques, we enable participants to objectively assess themselves and use their own resources sustainably. Thanks to the innovative technologies and personal experimentation, the experience will remain in the memory for a long time.

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